WikiFX Official Verification Channel

In order to prevent scams in the name of WikiFX

You can check through the following methods: mobile number, telephone, email, WeChat, WhatsApp, Line, Skype, Facebook, QQ, INS, Twitter and LinkedIn,Telegram; You don’t need to add area code when entering your mobile number; Chatting tools only support account ID (not nickname) query; Please check the capitalization, dash, and symbols etc..

Contact Account USDT Global Contract

You can check through following methods, including mobile number, telephone, email, WeChat, WhatsApp, Line, Skype, Facebook, QQ, INS, Twitter and LinkedIn,Telegram; You don’t need to add area code when entering mobile number; Chatting tools only support account (non-nickname) query; Please verify capitalization, long and short lines, etc..

You can input bank card number, digital currency, e-wallet, e-mall or other accounts for verification query. Please verify capitalization, numbers symbols, etc.

Please enter USDT for verification. Please check the capitalization, numbers, symbols, etc

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Non-official Channel of WikiFX
The "555665" you enquired is non-official channel of WikiFX Please mind your fund security and protect your privacy.
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You can enter the following method for inquiries: USDT address/Mobile phone number/Tel. number/Email address/Wechat/Whatsapp/Line/Skype/Facebook/QQ/Instagram/Twitter/LinkedIn. The phone number does not need to add area code; The communication Apps only support account number(not nickname) for inquiry; Please check the capitalization, symbols, etc
Official Channel of WikiFX

The "" you enquired is the official channel of WikiFX .The other channels except this one are not reliable. Please mind your fund security.